Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Memory.

Sometimes its easy for us to swipe away this memory away.
But why is it difficult for me to swipe away this memory.

Ouh allah.
Its been awhile already.
I had enough of all the ups and down we've been through.
We go through alot anger than laughter.
Youre the first guy i fall for and my first thought was the last one.
Its easy for you to say goodbye and move on.
But its damn difficult for me.

Well, i must accept the fact that you are not mine.
She deserve you.

Okay, what would you guys feel when someone keep on asking.
"do you still have feelings for me?"
You are attach already mann.
I reply sweet and easy.
"Haha. as what i told u last time. u the first i fall for so its damn difficult for me to forget. but iam forcing myself tho. because u are someone property and i dont like to take someone property. cause i know how it feels when someone take the person u love :)"

So yeah, thats the truthful answer.
You want to know the truth.

Theres nothing much i want to talk about today.
So yeah thats is for today post.

p.s you know i will love you no matter what. just that you are her's.

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