(when boredom strike)
Today having my off day before going to the war tomorrow hahaha.
weekend mahhh so many customer like war. hahaha.
ok lame.
This lazy butt just cant get off my bed i woke up at 2pm.
but i slept late last night. Around 5am.
Iam just bored with my life.
ouh ya. lately ive been realize that many asian is dating english man?
its cool but what about the asian guys?
poorthing but not all asian girl lar.
&& chinese guys with malay girl.
&& malay guys with chinese girl.
&& indian guys with malay or chinese girl.
since i work rfc different kind of couple i can see.
sometimes they are just so sweet but sometimes the are acting like a sweet couple.
but its cool that the are mutli racial. hahaha
ok thats all.
and i cant believe i finally forget about that one year crush.
i hate him.
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