atlast i noe how to put song on my blog..thx to ayu her lar..hahaha..
so today absent from school bcause my leg bengkak and i got period lar..four month nvr come den come like wth seh the pain..haha..but iam okae..i miss my friend lar..
so last wednesdae watch movie with nad,kin and mar..sad tt nani and dhidi dont hap they got their own prob..but mr bean was fun lar i <3 the Part when he Dance askin for is so fcukin funny i ws laughing to tease seh..haha..but we sat the first three row..take neoprint long time nvr take happy lAter i put the pic lar..haha..
i miss miami ink for three daes..i dont noe why iam nt watching it seh.i miss ami seh..haiyo must catch up todae at 2am..must seh..haha..
so got some unknown ppl tag my blog and using my name..she or he think its funny lar..but they dont noe they are such a jerk to such my name to scold sha..kknccb k..
to sha jgn percaye k..
to eeeeeraahh i miss msg2 wif you..wen i topup the first person i will msg is u..haha <33
to my E.N.S.M.D i miss you guys see u guys next week k..byebye <333
neoprint comin up