so,life is okae now.when someone recover it.weeee
i know iam not prefect.but atleast,got someone appreciate me.
and i hope iam gonna forget tt fcuker sooner or later.haha
okae da
so school was okae.
to gr nvr come.
less fun.but the laugther still like crazy.haha
so sat.
when changi.for barbeque.he came.
make my dae.
but he when home aorund two plus..
the barbeque!
the prawn.make me crazy.busu fruit salad was awesome.
the cake BRANEY!haha.
i was damnit stupid nvr bring my bro cam.like idiot.haha
hp also nvr bring.
so no pic to snap..
walk from our place to changi village.three person.
it was fun lar..
wanted to carik bapok.den patar alik.cause i scared..haha
bapok sik.tk leh main2.
den we walk back to our place.den rest.go walk to the other end.
it was fun.
he treat us icecream.
so torn till two.den pakcik ask me to accompany him hantar him back.naik lorry.seram lay sey..haha
iam scared but i ignore..from changi to yishun.yishun to changi.wth.hahaha
semue mandik laut.but not me and my mum.and some.haha.den pakcik tarik us go inside the laut.hahaha..
mum kene teruk..
hahaha.cause she big.hahah..
den i surender myself..hahaha..scared..hahaha
iam gonna be werking for the next four daes.penat ley..
thurs attch at ip!yeay fun!hahaha
with maries somemore.hahaha..
i love them.hahaha..
i love him.hahaha
i love the twins.
i love everybody excluding the h and s.hahaha
tts for sure..hahaha
k ar.
todae long entries.cause iam in the mood
k ar
byebye sygkus.
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