yeah!!!exam finish happy seh..this week cpa was easy..but eoa thoery damn diff sia..scare seh fail..hehee..but english ok2 lar can do..math also can do..but mr eng said got 10 people fail for paper one..who can tat be..maybe me hahah coi2 dont want ar..hehe..malay was damn i hope i pass all the subject ar..please allah help about my
P.P...iam being so sad this few dae..he never msg me..haishh.and iam qondering why seh..i cant get a happiness moment wif him..or any of my admire..u see my heart been broken every single dae of my can i stand seh..issit because iam fat..i think so..haishhh..rugi aku jadi org gemuk sak..hahah..nvm but my fwen like mie for who now iam hapie sat going out wif cousin..go jalan2 dont noe where to go just jalan2 cam org giler..heheh...hope my mum bagi lar..todae is my makibu bdae..hapie bdae to her..three more dae is my dad bdae..and DAMN dont have money to buy for him that sunglasses tat he wanted..hehee..nvm2..i can get money..haha..
My gfs ar all hapie now..nadia untung ar kau mak kau da bagi green light..nani pun same sak...takpe2 mane tahu bile lar aku da laku lagi 10 tahun kot..mak aku cam gituk jugak..heheh..too nani..kau sabar jek menanti die k..i noe he will sound stead you one nadia a.k.a buang tebiat nye pompan..hahah..ur mum give her trust one you jgn sampai die tak trust kau agi seh..just dont lie ur mum again nanti kite yang jadi mangse die..okae tc you too...
k arh tired of typing..just now eoa must type very long..haha..

------->sape tu..hahaha..nad and nani you two noe..
okae all my gfs tc k..
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